

Share your real-time location on Snapchat

Share your real-time location on Snapchat
Shaun M Jooste

Shaun M Jooste

  • Updated:

Personal safety is always a significant concern, especially where family and friends are involved. Snapchat has taken this into account with its latest feature. You can turn on real-time location so that selective contacts can see where you are at a given time.

That means you can show your friends how far you are from their home when paying them a visit. When it comes to the school campus, your parents can rest assured that you’re safe in class and nothing bad has happened to you. If you have a long-distance relationship, your partner can sleep well knowing you’re secure in your bed.

Of course, you might not want people following your every move all the time. You can choose when you want it enabled or disabled, while also setting how long you want it active. Most of your friends can see the status, but there’s no way for everyone in your contact list to see it at the same time. 

To prevent someone from stalking your every move, Snapchat has ensured that you can quietly disable the feature without everyone receiving a notification. You’ll quickly know if someone is spying on your movements if they send a message like “Why is your location off?” How you deal with that person is up to you. If you have a protective father with a baseball bat, we’re sure he’ll quite happily deal with them.

To start, head to your friend’s profile and select to show them your location. It will appear in the chat section between you two. You can disable it at any time, but only they will be able to view it.

Shaun M Jooste

Shaun M Jooste

I live in South Africa, Cape town, as a father of two children. I've been gaming almost all my life, with plenty of experience writing reviews and articles on the latest titles. With 15 years of experience in local government performing Facilities Management functions, I moved towards becoming CEO of my own company, Celenic Earth Publications, which serves to publish author's books, including my own. I'm a published author of horror and fantasy novels, while I also dabble in game and movie scriptwriting.

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